Accessibility Plan for 3C Information Solutions Incorporated


3C Information Solutions Incorporated (3CIS) is committed to fostering a respectful, welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment for all persons. We recognize the importance of preserving the dignity of people with disabilities. As part of our commitment, we are actively working towards becoming more inclusive and equitable by creating a barrier-free facility, work environment and provided services. This includes aligning with the requirements outlined in the Accessible Canada Act and adhering to our own internal policies and goals related to identifying, removing, and preventing barriers. 3CIS will ensure that the Accessible Canada Act, its regulations, standards, and all other relevant legislation concerning accessibility are adhered to in a timely and conscientious manner.

Feedback Mechanism

The Human Resources Manager is available to receive feedback on barriers and this Accessibility Plan. The feedback can be received by mail, email, or phone:

Contact Information:

  1. Mailing Address: 8235 Wagner Road, NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4NG
  2. Email Address:
  3. Telephone Number: 780 433 3752

If at any point the Human Resources Manager is unavailable, the Health & Safety Manager will handle feedback on barriers and the accessibility plan. This can be done the same manner via mail, email, or phone:

Contact Information:

  1. Mailing Address: 8235 Wagner Road, NW, Edmonton, AB, T6E 4NG
  2. Email Address:
  3. Telephone Number: 780 433 3752

Feedback provided can be submitted anonymously. 3CIS will acknowledge the receipt of feedback, other than anonymous feedback.

All personal information that 3CIS receives will remain confidential unless the person consents to its disclosure.

Executive Summary

Our Accessibility Plan, driven by the principles of the Accessible Canada Act, is committed to removing barriers and fostering inclusivity for all persons. We prioritize the establishment of comprehensive accessibility standards to ensure equal access for everyone to enhance our efforts continuously, we actively solicit feedback from persons with disabilities, employees, clients, and stakeholders. Moreover, we acknowledge the invaluable expertise of non-profit organizations and advocacy groups in the realm of disability rights. Through these tangible actions, we aspire to build a society where every person, irrespective of ability, can fully participate and contribute.

Accessibility Statement

We recognize that accessibility is essential to our organization’s success. Our commitment includes:

  1. Alignment with Operations and Activities:
    1. We integrate accessibility into all aspects of our operations and activities:
      1. Our commitment to respect: We embrace diversity and do not tolerate any forms of bullying or violent treatment. We cultivate an environment of inclusion, understanding and tolerance.
      2. Our website design adheres to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ensuring that all users, including those with disabilities, can navigate and interact effectively.
      3. As reasonably practicable 3CIS’s training programs incorporate accessible materials, such as providing alternative formats for visual content and ensuring closed captions for videos.
      4. Our physical spaces are designed to accommodate diverse needs, including accessible entrances, seating and workstation accommodations, and restrooms.
    2. Long-Term Goals:
      1. Our long-term goals related to accessibility encompass:
        1. Continuous Improvement: We commit to ongoing evaluation and enhancement of accessibility. In alignment with our business process for continuous improvement, internal and external solicited feedback loops will guide our action plans for improvement.
        2. Inclusive Hiring Practices: We strive to build a diverse workforce. Our recruitment process focuses on skills and potential rather than limitations.
        3. Education and Awareness: We will educate our employees about accessibility best practices and foster a culture of inclusion. By conducting training sessions and workshops we aim to promote awareness, understanding, and empathy.
    3. Reference to Current Regulations and Standards:
      1. Our initiatives align with the:
        1. Canadian Human Rights Act: This legislation prohibits discrimination based on various grounds. These grounds include race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, family status, genetic characteristics, disability and pardoned conviction. By adhering to these standards, we ensure that our practices are in line with legal requirements and contribute to a more equitable society.
        2. Accessible Canada Act: This legislation is intended to ensure the removal of barriers and prevention of new barriers in areas such as employment, the built environment, information and communication technologies, communication, other than information and communication technologies, the procurement of goods, services and facilities, the design and delivery of programs and services, and transportation.


As required by the Accessible Canada Act, we will publish a progress report annually to present the status of our Accessibility Plan. A formal review of the plan will be done every three years or as circumstances dictate.

Areas Described Under Section 5 of the Accessible Canada Act

Our Accessibility Plan covers the following areas as required by the Accessible Canada Act:

  1. Employment:
    1. We will ensure that our hiring processes, workplace policies, and accommodations support the full participation of all persons by:
      1. Providing job postings and an application process that accounts for the accessibility as reasonably practicable for all candidates.
      2. Offering reasonable accommodations during interviews.
      3. Making reasonable accommodation to support all employees.
  2. Built Environment:
    1. We have addressed physical barriers in our facilities and public spaces to enhance accessibility for everyone:
      1. Installing ramps, accessible doorways, and accessible washrooms.
      2. Ensuring clear signage and pathways.
      3. Creating accessible common areas and workspaces.
  3. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT):
    1. We will make our digital platforms, websites, and communication tools accessible by:
      1. Implementing screen reader compatibility.
      2. Providing closed captions for videos.
  4. Communication (Other than ICT):
    1. We will ensure that our non-digital communication methods are accessible.
  5. Procurement of Goods, Services, and Facilities:
    1. We will consider accessibility requirements when procuring goods, services, and facilities by:
      1. Prioritizing accessible products and services.
  6. Design and Delivery of Programs and Services:
    1. Accessibility requirements will be foundational in the design of all internal programs and processes.
    2. As a component of our obligations to our clients, we will ensure that accessibility is addressed in the design of the services provided.
  7. Transportation:
    1. This area is not relevant to 3CIS operations at this time.


– Naef, B., & Perez-Leclerc, M. (2019). Bill C-81: An Act to ensure a barrier-free Canada. Library of Parliament

– Canadian Human Rights Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. H-6. Retrieved from the Ministry of Justice website:

– Accessible Canada Act, S.C. 2019, c. 10. Retrieved from the Ministry of Justice website:

– Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Calgary

– Alberta Human Rights Commission. (n.d.). Alberta Human Rights Commission. Retrieved from

– Employment and Social Development Canada. (2023, June 16). Summary of the Accessible Canada Regulations. Retrieved from