Oil and gas are often discovered in remote locations, off the power grid. Companies must turn to alternative energy sources for their onsite power needs. This client required radio communications at their isolated plant, and energy requirements had to be met through solar batteries and a generator. The physical barriers of this project necessitated unique approaches to installation and maintenance. However, 3CIS has the means and experience to go where other companies will not.

The secluded location in Northern Alberta made access difficult; it was accessible via helicopter and a one-time ice road that would not be built again. The climate and terrain required customized and low-maintenance solutions. Deep snow in the winter months and unstable muskeg in the summer were not conducive to typical construction methods. Steel piles took the place of a buried stone foundation in the marshy ground, and matting connected the helipad to other shelters. The remote location of the site also meant that wild animals would pass through, so fuel lines were run inside of steel tubing to protect them from being damaged. The generator and solar power system are fully automated and remotely monitored and controlled. 3CIS technicians can access site information without visiting the site; they oversee the generator and solar power system, as well as battery levels, radios, and equipment. Using the remote system, technicians monitor the local weather conditions and inspect the state of the radio tower. A system tailored to monitoring the environment around the equipment enables efficient troubleshooting, keeping on-site technician visits to a minimum.

Categories: Civil Construction

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